6 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2023

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Keyword research is a crucial aspect of SEO and content optimization. It involves identifying and targeting the right keywords that users are searching for in search engines. By understanding the keywords relevant to your content or business, you can optimize your website, blog posts, and other online assets to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.

Keyword research tools play a vital role in this process by providing insights and data on search volume, keyword competition, related terms, and more. These tools help you discover valuable keywords that have high search volume and relatively low competition, allowing you to optimize your content effectively.

By leveraging keyword research tools, you can uncover relevant and valuable keywords that align with your content goals and target audience. This enables you to create optimized content that not only improves your search engine rankings but also attracts the right audience to your website or online platform.

Tool 1: Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a popular tool and widely used keyword research tool offered by Google. It is designed to help advertisers identify relevant keywords for their Google Ads campaigns, but it can also be valuable for SEO and content optimization purposes.

some key features and functionalities of Google Keyword Planner:

Keyword Suggestions: Google Keyword Planner provides keyword suggestions based on the seed keywords or phrases you provide. It offers a wide range of related keywords that users commonly search for, along with data on search volume, competition level, and trends.

Search Volume Data: The tool provides average monthly search volume data, which indicates how frequently users search for a particular keyword. This information helps you understand the popularity and potential reach of specific keywords.

Keyword Competition: Google Keyword Planner offers an estimate of the competition level for each keyword. This metric helps you gauge the level of competition you might face when trying to rank for a particular keyword.

Bid Estimates: For advertisers, Google Keyword Planner provides bid estimates, which give an idea of how much it might cost to run ads targeting specific keywords. This information can be useful for planning ad campaigns and budgeting.

To use Google Keyword Planner for keyword research and analysis, follow these steps:

Access Google Keyword Planner: Sign in to your Google Ads account (or create a new account) and navigate to the “Tools & Settings” menu. From there, select “Keyword Planner” under the “Planning” section.

Enter Keywords: Enter your seed keywords or phrases related to your content or business. You can also specify your target location and language to refine the results.

Review Keyword Ideas: Google Keyword Planner will provide a list of keyword ideas based on your input. Analyze the search volume, competition, and other relevant data to identify keywords that align with your goals and target audience.

Refine and Save Keywords: Filter and refine the keyword suggestions based on search volume, competition, and other criteria. Save the selected keywords for future reference or export them for use in your content optimization efforts.

Analyze Search Trends: Google Keyword Planner also provides insights into keyword trends over time. This information can help you identify seasonal or emerging keywords and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

By utilizing Google Keyword Planner, you can gain valuable insights into keyword popularity, competition, and trends. This information can guide your content optimization efforts and help you target the right keywords to improve your search engine visibility and attract relevant organic traffic.

Tool 2: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

The SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is a powerful keyword research tool offered by SEMrush, a leading digital marketing platform. It provides comprehensive keyword data and analysis to help you discover valuable keywords for your SEO and content optimization strategies.

Some key features and capabilities of the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool:

Keyword Suggestions: The tool generates a vast list of keyword suggestions based on your seed keyword. It offers a wide range of related keywords, long-tail variations, and even questions related to your target keyword.

Search Volume and Competition Data: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool provides valuable insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition level for each keyword. This information helps you understand the popularity and competitiveness of specific keywords.

Keyword Analysis and Metrics: You can dive deeper into individual keywords to explore their search volume trends, keyword difficulty, cost-per-click (CPC) data, and other metrics. This allows you to evaluate the potential value and performance of specific keywords.

Keyword Grouping and Filtering: The tool allows you to organize and group related keywords for better organization and analysis. You can also apply filters to refine the keyword list based on search volume, keyword difficulty, and other criteria.

SERP Analysis: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool provides a preview of the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. This allows you to analyze the top-ranking pages and understand the type of content that performs well for those keywords.

To use the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool for in-depth keyword research and analysis, follow these steps:

Access the Keyword Magic Tool: Sign in to your SEMrush account (or create a new account) and navigate to the “Keyword Research” section. From there, select the “Keyword Magic Tool.”

Enter Seed Keywords: Enter your seed keywords or phrases related to your content or industry. You can also specify your target location and language to refine the results.

Review Keyword Ideas: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool will generate a comprehensive list of keyword ideas based on your input. Explore the keyword suggestions and analyze the search volume, competition, and other metrics to identify valuable keywords.

Refine and Group Keywords: Use the filtering options to refine the keyword list based on search volume, keyword difficulty, and other criteria. Group related keywords together to better organize your research.

Analyze SERPs: For specific keywords, click on the “SERP” button to get a preview of the search engine results pages. Analyze the top-ranking pages to gain insights into the type of content that performs well for those keywords.

Export and Save Keywords: Save the selected keywords or export them for further analysis or integration into your content optimization strategy.

The SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool offers a comprehensive and detailed approach to keyword research. By utilizing its features and capabilities, you can discover valuable keywords, evaluate their performance metrics, and optimize your content to improve your search engine rankings and attract relevant organic traffic.

Tool 3: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is a popular keyword research tool provided by Ahrefs, a well-known SEO and digital marketing platform. It offers a range of features and functionalities to help you perform comprehensive keyword research and competitor analysis.

Some key features of Ahrefs Keyword Explorer:

Keyword Ideas: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer generates a vast number of keyword ideas based on your seed keyword or topic. It provides a variety of keyword suggestions, including related keywords, long-tail variations, and questions.

Search Volume and Clicks Data: The tool provides valuable insights into search volume, clicks, and traffic potential for specific keywords. This information helps you understand the popularity and potential traffic you can gain from targeting those keywords.

Keyword Difficulty Analysis: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer offers a keyword difficulty score that indicates how hard it is to rank for a specific keyword. This feature helps you assess the competitiveness of keywords and prioritize your optimization efforts.

SERP Overview: The tool provides a SERP overview that allows you to analyze the top-ranking pages for a keyword. You can see important metrics such as the number of referring domains, social shares, and estimated traffic for those pages. This information helps you understand the competition and the type of content that performs well for the keyword.

Clickstream Data: A unique feature of Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is its clickstream data, which shows the percentage of clicks that organic search results receive. This information helps you assess the click-through rate (CTR) potential for specific keywords.

Competitor Analysis: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer enables you to analyze your competitors’ organic keyword rankings. You can see the keywords they are ranking for, the estimated search traffic they receive, and the backlinks pointing to their pages. This feature helps you identify opportunities and understand the strategies of your competitors.

To leverage Ahrefs Keyword Explorer for comprehensive keyword research and competitor analysis, follow these steps:

Access Keyword Explorer: Sign in to your Ahrefs account (or create a new account) and navigate to the Keyword Explorer tool.

Enter Seed Keywords: Enter your seed keywords or topics related to your content or industry. You can also specify your target location and language to refine the results.

Explore Keyword Ideas: Ahrefs Keyword Explorer will generate a comprehensive list of keyword ideas based on your input. Explore the suggestions and analyze metrics such as search volume, clicks, and keyword difficulty to identify valuable keywords.

Analyze SERP Overview: For specific keywords, click on the “SERP” button to view the SERP overview. Analyze the top-ranking pages to gain insights into the competition and understand the type of content that performs well.

Assess Keyword Difficulty: Use the keyword difficulty score provided by Ahrefs to assess the competitiveness of keywords. Focus on keywords with lower difficulty scores to target less competitive opportunities.

Conduct Competitor Analysis: Enter your competitors’ domains or URLs into Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to analyze their organic keyword rankings. Identify the keywords they are ranking for and assess the potential traffic they are receiving.

Save and Export Keywords: Save the selected keywords or export them for further analysis or integration into your content optimization strategy.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer offers a robust set of features to help you perform in-depth keyword research, understand the competition, and optimize your content for better search engine rankings. By leveraging this tool effectively, you can discover valuable keywords, assess their performance metrics, and gain a competitive edge in your SEO efforts.

Tool 4: Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is a keyword research tool provided by Moz, a well-known SEO software company. It offers a range of features and unique offerings to help you with keyword research and SERP (Search Engine Results Page) analysis.

Some key features of Moz Keyword Explorer:

Keyword Suggestions: Moz Keyword Explorer generates a list of keyword suggestions based on your seed keyword or topic. It provides valuable insights into related keywords, long-tail variations, and question-based queries.

Keyword Metrics: The tool provides important metrics for each keyword, including search volume, keyword difficulty, organic CTR (Click-Through Rate), and priority score. These metrics help you assess the potential of keywords and prioritize your targeting.

SERP Analysis: Moz Keyword Explorer allows you to analyze the SERP for specific keywords. You can see the top-ranking pages, their domain authority, page authority, and other important SEO metrics. This analysis helps you understand the competition and the types of content that are ranking well for the keyword.

Keyword Lists and Management: You can create keyword lists within Moz Keyword Explorer to organize and manage your research. This feature helps you stay organized and easily access your chosen keywords for future reference.

To utilize Moz Keyword Explorer for keyword research and SERP analysis, follow these steps:

Access Keyword Explorer: Sign in to your Moz account (or create a new account) and navigate to the Keyword Explorer tool.

Enter Seed Keywords: Enter your seed keywords or topics related to your content or industry. You can also specify your target location and search engine to refine the results.

Explore Keyword Suggestions: Moz Keyword Explorer will generate a list of keyword suggestions based on your input. Explore the suggestions and analyze metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and organic CTR to identify valuable keywords.

Analyze SERP Results: For specific keywords, click on the “SERP Analysis” button to view the SERP results. Analyze the top-ranking pages, their domain authority, page authority, and other metrics to gain insights into the competition and understand the type of content that performs well.

Save and Export Keywords: Save the selected keywords or export them for further analysis or integration into your content optimization strategy.

Moz Keyword Explorer provides valuable insights and metrics to help you make informed decisions regarding your keyword targeting and content optimization. By utilizing this tool effectively, you can discover relevant keywords, assess their performance metrics, and gain a competitive advantage in your SEO efforts.

Tool 5: Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers keyword research, content ideas, and competitor analysis features. It provides a wealth of information to help you improve your website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results.

Some key features of Ubersuggest:

Keyword Research: Ubersuggest helps you find relevant keywords by suggesting variations and related terms based on your seed keyword. It provides important metrics such as search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost-per-click (CPC) data for each keyword.

Content Ideas: Ubersuggest offers content ideas by analyzing popular topics and trending articles related to your seed keyword. It provides insights into the most shared content, backlink data, and social engagement metrics for each idea.

Competitor Analysis: Ubersuggest allows you to analyze your competitors’ websites and their top-performing pages. You can view their organic keywords, estimated traffic, backlinks, and other important SEO metrics. This analysis helps you understand your competitors’ strategies and identify opportunities for improvement.

Site Audit: Ubersuggest provides a site audit feature that helps you identify SEO issues and opportunities to improve your website’s performance. It checks for technical SEO factors, page speed, mobile-friendliness, and other critical aspects.

Backlink Analysis: Ubersuggest offers a backlink analysis feature that allows you to explore your own or your competitors’ backlink profiles. You can view the number of backlinks, referring domains, and anchor text distribution. This information helps you identify potential link-building opportunities and understand your backlink profile.

To utilize Ubersuggest for keyword research, content ideas, and competitor analysis, follow these steps:

Access Ubersuggest: Visit the Ubersuggest website (neilpatel.com/ubersuggest) and enter your seed keyword or website URL in the search bar.

Explore Keyword Ideas: Ubersuggest will generate a list of keyword ideas based on your input. Explore the suggestions and analyze metrics such as search volume, SEO difficulty, and CPC to identify valuable keywords.

Discover Content Ideas: Click on the “Content Ideas” tab to explore popular topics and trending articles related to your keyword. Analyze engagement metrics, backlinks, and social shares to gain insights into content that resonates with your target audience.

Perform Competitor Analysis: Enter your competitor’s website URL in the search bar to analyze their organic keywords, estimated traffic, and backlink profile. Use this information to understand their strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Conduct Site Audit: Enter your website URL in the search bar and click on the “Site Audit” tab to identify SEO issues and opportunities for optimization. Follow the recommendations provided to improve your website’s performance.

Ubersuggest offers a wide range of features to support your SEO efforts, including keyword research, content ideation, competitor analysis, and site auditing. By leveraging this tool effectively, you can gain valuable insights, optimize your website, and improve your overall SEO strategy.

Tool 6: SEMScoop

SEMScoop is a keyword research tool that provides valuable insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and related keyword suggestions. It offers a range of capabilities to support your keyword research efforts and improve your SEO strategy.

Some key features and capabilities of SEMScoop:

Keyword Research: SEMScoop helps you discover relevant keywords by suggesting variations and related terms based on your seed keyword. It provides search volume data to give you an understanding of the popularity and potential traffic of each keyword.

Search Volume Analysis: The tool provides insights into the search volume trends for specific keywords over time. This feature helps you understand the seasonal variations and fluctuations in search volume, allowing you to optimize your content and SEO strategy accordingly.

Keyword Difficulty Assessment: SEMScoop offers a keyword difficulty score that indicates how challenging it is to rank for a particular keyword. This metric takes into account factors such as domain authority and backlink profile of the top-ranking pages. By assessing keyword difficulty, you can focus on keywords that align with your website’s authority and competitive landscape.

Related Keyword Suggestions: SEMScoop provides a list of related keyword suggestions to help you expand your keyword research and identify additional targeting opportunities. These suggestions can uncover long-tail variations and alternative keyword options that may have lower competition but still offer value in terms of search volume.

To leverage SEMScoop for keyword research, search volume analysis, and keyword difficulty assessment, follow these steps:

Access SEMScoop: Visit the SEMScoop website (semscoop.com) and enter your seed keyword in the search bar.

Explore Keyword Suggestions: SEMScoop will generate a list of keyword suggestions based on your input. Review the suggestions and analyze the search volume data to identify keywords with sufficient traffic potential.

Analyze Search Volume Trends: Use SEMScoop’s search volume analysis feature to understand the search volume trends for specific keywords over time. This information can guide your content planning and help you target keywords with consistent or increasing search interest.

Assess Keyword Difficulty: Take advantage of SEMScoop’s keyword difficulty assessment to evaluate the competition level for specific keywords. Consider the keyword difficulty score in conjunction with your website’s authority and competitive landscape to prioritize your keyword targeting.

Explore Related Keywords: SEMScoop’s related keyword suggestions can uncover additional keyword opportunities. Analyze these suggestions to identify long-tail variations and alternative keywords that align with your content strategy.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Keyword Research Tool


When selecting a keyword research tool, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure it meets your specific needs. Here are some key factors to consider:

Features and Capabilities: Assess the features and capabilities of the tool, such as keyword suggestion, search volume analysis, competitor analysis, and SERP data. Determine if the tool offers the functionalities necessary for your keyword research goals.

Pricing and Budget: Evaluate the pricing structure of the tool and consider how it aligns with your budget. Some tools offer free versions or trial periods, while others require a subscription. Choose a tool that provides value for your investment.

User Experience and Interface: Consider the user experience and interface of the tool. It should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to navigate and utilize the features efficiently.

Data Accuracy and Reliability: Data accuracy is crucial for making informed decisions. Look for a tool that provides reliable and up-to-date data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and other relevant metrics.

Integration with Other Tools and Platforms: Consider if the keyword research tool integrates with other tools or platforms you use in your SEO workflow. Integration can streamline your processes and allow for seamless data transfer and analysis.

Customer Support and Resources: Evaluate the customer support options provided by the tool, such as documentation, tutorials, and customer service channels. Access to resources and assistance can be valuable when using the tool effectively.

By considering these factors, you can choose a keyword research tool that aligns with your needs, preferences, and budget. It’s also beneficial to try out different tools through free trials or demos to assess their suitability before making a decision.


In conclusion, keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO and content optimization. By understanding the search terms and phrases that your target audience uses, you can create valuable content and improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. To assist you in this process, several keyword research tools offer valuable insights and data to inform your strategy.

It’s important to experiment with different keyword research tools and find the one that aligns with your workflow and delivers the most accurate and valuable data for your needs. Each tool may have its own unique features and strengths, so it’s worth exploring them to discover which one suits your requirements best.

Remember, thorough keyword research is a critical component of successful SEO and content optimization. By investing time and effort into understanding your audience’s search behavior and utilizing the insights provided by these keyword research tools, you can create targeted and valuable content that drives organic traffic and improves your website’s visibility in search engines.

Stay proactive and adapt your keyword strategy as search trends and user behavior evolve. Continuously monitor and analyze your keyword performance to refine your content and ensure its relevance and effectiveness. With diligent keyword research, you can optimize your content for search engines and ultimately attract more visitors to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I rely on a single keyword research tool, or should I use multiple tools?

Answer: It’s generally recommended to use multiple keyword research tools to get a comprehensive understanding of keyword data and uncover more opportunities. Different tools may provide slightly different metrics and keyword suggestions, so using a combination can give you a broader perspective and ensure more accurate keyword research.

Q2: Are there any free keyword research tools available?

Answer: Yes, some keyword research tools offer free versions or limited-access plans. Examples include Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and various free Chrome extensions. While free tools may have limitations compared to their paid counterparts, they can still provide valuable insights and help you get started with keyword research.

Q3: Can keyword research tools help with content optimization?

Answer: Yes, keyword research tools can assist with content optimization. By identifying relevant keywords and understanding their search volume and competition, you can strategically incorporate them into your content, including headings, subheadings, meta tags, and body text. This optimization can improve your content’s visibility in search engine results and increase its chances of ranking higher.

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