Here’s something I discovered about JavaScript recently.
Operator !
The operator is a familiar face of JavaScript, appearing when we need to negate an existing value.
let thing = true
thing = !thing
thing === false // true
This is a Boolean value that is(true
)and then inverts it to (false
This works also with non-Boolean value, as all JavaScript values are truthful or false.
let thing = "This string is truthy!"
thing = !thing
thing === false // true
This is how the !
Operator converts the string value (truthy), to its Boolean counterpart false
,We can also use the !
JavaScript allows you to use any operator to modify any JavaScript value. If the value is not truthful, it is cast as false
, and vice versa.
Then it follows that !!
This inversion can be performed twice.
let thing = "This string is truthy!"
thing = !!thing
thing === true // true
This is a quicker way to convert a Boolean value to a value. Use !!
This will cause the value to be cast asfalse
This could be done for the exact same result.
let thing = Boolean("This string is truthy!")
thing === true // true
What is the difference? According to my knowledge, there’s no difference!
While !!
is more succinct, the argument could be made that it is more confusing syntactically than Boolean(value)
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