New Patient Intake Forms: The Ultimate Guide

New Patient Intake Forms

If you’re a dentist, you know that new patient intake forms are vital to your business. These forms help you gather important information from new patients to provide the best possible care. But creating effective intake forms can be tricky – there are many things to consider. This blog post will discuss the critical elements of effective new patient intake forms. We’ll also provide some tips for creating forms that will help you get the information you need from patients. So, if you want to create or improve your current intake forms, read on! So, what information should you include on your new patient intake forms? Here are some suggestions:

Dental insurance information

You’ll need to collect their policy and group numbers if the patient has dental insurance. You should also determine if the patient has any preventive or primary dental care coverage.

Medical history 

Knowing about the patient’s overall health and any medical conditions that could affect their dental care is essential. It would help if you also asked about medications the patient takes, as some can impact dental health.

Dental history 

Find out if the patient has had any previous dental treatment, including fillings, crowns, extractions, or root canals. It’s also important to know if the patient has ever had any problems with their teeth or gums.

Family dental history 

Ask the patient if there is any family history of dental problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease. This information can help you determine the patient’s risk of developing these problems in the future.

Lifestyle habits 

Be sure to ask about the patient’s smoking and drinking habits and diet. These factors can all impact dental health.

Once you have all this information, you’ll be able to provide the best possible care for your patients. And by gathering all of the necessary information up front, you can avoid asking your patients for it later. If you use an online scheduling software or dental telemedicine system, you can make it easy for your patients to fill out their intake forms online before their appointment. This will save you time and ensure you have all the necessary information.

So how can you ensure that your new patient intake forms are thorough without being overwhelming? Here are a few tips:

Use dental software

Online dental software can help to automate many of the tasks associated with new patient intake, including collecting contact information, scheduling appointments, and submitting insurance claims. This can save you a lot of time and hassle.

Use dental billing software

Dental billing software can help gather all the information you need from patients. You can quickly and easily create custom intake forms that will help you get the information you need from patients. So if you’re looking to improve your new patient intake forms, dental billing software is a great option!

Keep it simple

Use clear, concise language when asking for information on your forms. Avoid jargon or technical terms that patients may not understand.

Make it easy to understand

In addition to using clear language, you should also organize your forms in a way that’s easy to follow. Break down each section into smaller subsections, and use bullet points whenever possible.

Be flexible 

Not all patients will be comfortable providing the information you’re asking for. If a patient isn’t comfortable sharing certain information, let them know that it’s okay to leave that section blank.

Give patients options

Some patients prefer to fill out their intake forms online, while others prefer to do it in person. Whenever possible, allow patients to choose how they want to complete their forms.

Offer assistance 

If you have staff members fluent in languages other than English, consider having them available to help patients complete their forms. You can also assist by offering step-by-step instructions or a video tutorial on how to fill out the forms.

Provide instructions 

If any sections of the form you feel might need clarification, provide brief instructions on how to complete them. For example, if you’re asking for insurance information, include a note explaining what type of insurance the patient should list.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your new patient intake forms are thorough and easy to understand. Collecting accurate and up-to-date patient information is essential to providing quality care, so take the time to develop forms that work for you and your patients.

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