Once upon a time, designing websites relied on a range of standard web design practices. We had HTML5 and CSS3, server-side technologies like WordPress and Drupal. We also had a range of unique design solutions like fixed or floating layouts. There was even the stacked-rows-on-top-of-columns method.
These days, it’s not difficult to learn how to design responsive websites and mobile apps. Responsive web design is a cornerstone of modern web design. It aims to deliver the same content in an optimal format for different devices. It does this with different resolutions and different display settings.
Responsive web design has become the new standard, and website and app developers know it. They have learned to make the most of it to build websites that are accessible and usable on a wide range of devices.
So, how do you take advantage of responsive web design in your web design projects? Let’s find out!
What Is Responsive Web Design?
Responsive web design is about adapting a site’s content, layout, and design to fit the available space on the page. Regardless of the device that the visitor is using, responsive web customizes the site for optimum customer experience.
Responsive web design uses breakpoints to determine how the layout of a web page will appear. So, when a user visits a webpage on a smartphone, the web page can detect the device and resize it to fit it. When a user switches from laptop to phone, for example, a responsive web design will modify the page for easy viewing.
You can either design the responsive websites and applications yourself, or you can let a web designer or marketing professional do it. A good web design agency NYC makes sure that your website reaches its maximum potential for the best customer experience. They conceptualize brand-friendly websites and strong direct-response tactics to create hyper-growth of your business. All this is done by employing smart marketing strategies to develop high-quality web-based solutions.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines. It is based on the notion that computers can be programmed to perform tasks that seem “natural” to humans. It also makes it possible for the tasks to be automated and done more efficiently.
Machine learning takes advantage of data to make automated decisions. It learns from data to automatically improve its decisions with every new data set.

Machine Learning in Web and App Development
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to make judgments and decisions based on large data sets. It uses neural networks to create a predictive model. This model resizes your website to fit different devices. So, neural networks predict user behavior in web and app development.
You can create a model that predicts how a user will navigate your website or open a specific app. First, the network will predict the user behavior. Then it will adjust your website’s layout to match it.
Machine learning relies on algorithms to learn and improve over time. It is the process of creating a computer model and feeding it with large quantities of data. As the model learns from this data, it becomes more accurate and efficient.
Impact of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on Responsive Website Design
These are some ways that artificial intelligence and machine learning play a role in creating a responsive web design.
1. Visual Hierarchy
With AI and ML, you can implement web design processes that don’t need you to be a visual designer. This is because the software has been trained using millions of existing web designs.
You don’t have to worry about things like the visual hierarchy or the size of your image sizes. Likewise, you don’t bother with the size of your text or any other visual aspects of your website. So it allows you to focus on other aspects of website design.
2. Automated Responses and Chatbots
AI affords the visitor a satisfactory user experience with a fast response to their queries. Companies now use automated responses for queries and other issues the user might have. That is why many businesses now employ the use of chatbots, for example, on their websites.
3. Quick Data Processing
AI for web design is beneficial in large-scale projects. Especially where the complexity of the project makes visual management difficult. Machine learning uses algorithms to analyze large data and provide solutions or results easily.
4. Saves Time and Money
AI makes it possible to automate a lot of complicated web design tasks, thereby making web design easier. A responsive web builder can just suggest a lot of the design process. Because of this, you no longer have to learn code before designing a website.
You don’t have to manually optimize the performance, AI does all that. You don’t have to tweak any aspect of the website after creating it. The website is fully optimized. You can also drag and drop to create the website. This ease in creating websites saves a lot of time and therefore, money.
5. Personalized Image Recommendation
AI and machine learning use algorithms to identify patterns in images in order to optimize the images based on user behavior. This way, it will categorize images based on what they contain. Machine learning identifies patterns in image structures and then groups them according to how they match.
Customized image recommendations encourage users to visit landing pages by showing some images of products they have previously viewed or purchased. This helps increase sales and user experience (UX).

The responsive web design phenomenon happened when a range of devices became available to a wider audience. This meant that businesses could adapt their websites to function well on these new devices.
Over time, responsive web design has become the new standard. You can now find many mobile apps and websites that are accessible and usable on a range of devices. You can use them without any need for an app update.
What this means for you as a designer is that you can work smarter, not harder. You can now focus on the best design possible for a particular range of devices and let the technology behind the scenes handle the rest.
The best part? This crafty technology will only get better as we look toward the future. Thus, the demand for skilled responsive web design pros will only get higher in the years to come.