Top 6 Google Trick:You Should Know

What this Google trick does is it let’s all the words related to “blink” and “HTML” flicker when you do a search for “blink HTML”. It’s actually fairly simple to implement this via HTML and CSS.

Blink HTML Google trick & how to information

Blink HTML


Just do a Google search for “blink HTML” and see if you can find any text elements blinking. The words in the search results will blink.

Some also Cool Tricks With Google :-

Here we share some unique & cool tricks to get more fun with google search.

Do A Barrel Roll


just search a term “do a barrel roll ” without qoutes ,click on search icon & then you see Google page is rolling like a barrel.Share this unique trick with your friends to get surprised them.

Google Gravity


Go on google search & type ” Google Gravity” term without quotes & press search button.then getting result igonore autosuggestion & press “I’m feeling lucky” option & then you seen Google homepage is getting down



Search “Askew” term on google search bar & then search.In this trick page getting small & title & others word getting smaller .



Search for “recursion” on Google and you will get stuck in an infinite loop much like recursion. Recursion means repeating. Google will show “did you mean recursion?” every time searching for recursion.



Go to elgooG and click on for “Thanos snap trick”. Once you are at the search results, jump to Marvel’s supervillain biography on the right-hand side of the page. Now, click on the “Gauntlet” icon just below Google Images and see Google disintegrate its page listings.


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