Why Monitoring Your Application is Important

Why Monitoring Your Application is Important
Photo by Firmbee on Pixabay

In the rapidly evolving landscape of IT, monitoring your applications has become more crucial than ever. This article delves into the finer points of application monitoring and why it’s essential for maintaining optimal performance, managing costs, and ensuring robust security measures.

Understanding the Dynamics

In an era where IT systems often seem to run themselves, it’s easy to underestimate the importance of vigilant application monitoring. Cloud-based systems, for instance, may not require extensive installations, but this doesn’t imply that they can be left unattended. The misconception that IT systems can manage themselves overlooks the reason why large businesses invest significantly in dedicated IT operations departments.

Imagine the scenario: Your applications suddenly stop functioning. The consequences can be dire, potentially causing your entire business operations to come to a standstill. For instance, if your applications are integral to your sales delivery, such as in the case of web applications, every moment your application is offline translates into lost revenue.

The Critical Role of Application Monitoring

The Critical Role of Application Monitoring

The significance of application monitoring can be distilled into two key benefits:

1. Preventing Performance Issues

IT systems rarely grind to a halt without reason. Often, performance issues are a result of underlying problems that have been building up over time. Even seemingly sudden application performance problems may stem from gradual issues, such as a lack of storage space on a server. A robust monitoring system can detect and predict these issues, allowing you to take proactive measures before they escalate.

2. Identifying System Dependencies

Applications are seldom standalone entities. They rely on a complex web of supporting services and hardware components. When an application falters, the root cause of the problem might not lie within the application itself. A breakdown could originate elsewhere in the IT system, necessitating a comprehensive investigation to pinpoint the underlying cause.

The List of Top Application Monitoring Systems

Here, we present a curated list of the five best application monitoring systems available:

AppOptics (Editor’s Choice):

This SaaS platform offers comprehensive infrastructure and application monitoring, including full dependency mapping and root cause analysis. It also provides distributed tracing and code profiling capabilities. Experience it with a 30-day free trial.

  • Features:
    • Infrastructure and application monitoring
    • Full dependency mapping
    • Root cause analysis
    • Distributed tracing
    • Code profiling
  • Pros:
    • Comprehensive package with a focus on tracing and analysis
    • Provides insights into both infrastructure and application performance
    • Distributed tracing and code profiling enhance troubleshooting capabilities
  • Cons:
    • Doesn’t include network monitoring
    • May require some learning curve for comprehensive usage

ManageEngine Applications Manager:

This package excels in tracing supporting modules for user-facing applications, creating dependency maps, and monitoring performance. It covers Windows Server, Linux, Azure, and AWS environments. Test it with a 30-day free trial.

  • Features:
    • Tracing of supporting modules
    • Dependency mapping
    • Performance monitoring
  • Pros:
    • Effective mapping of application dependencies
    • Useful for development teams and operations technicians
    • Covers various environments including Windows Server, Linux, Azure, and AWS
  • Cons:
    • Not available as a SaaS package
    • Limited scalability in the free edition

Datadog APM:

A powerful SaaS platform offering APM with or without a code profiler. It delivers dependency mapping, root cause analysis, and distributed tracing capabilities.

  • Features:
    • APM with or without code profiler
    • Dependency mapping
    • Distributed tracing
    • Root cause analysis
  • Pros:
    • Strong focus on distributed tracing and monitoring
    • Extensive language support for tracing and analysis
    • A range of additional monitoring and alerting capabilities
  • Cons:
    • Some application monitoring services have been shifted to a separate module
    • Advanced features may require additional pricing

Dynatrace Full-stack Monitoring:

Built on AI, this SaaS package offers both infrastructure and application monitoring along with digital business analytics.

  • Features:
    • Infrastructure and application monitoring
    • AI-driven root cause analysis
  • Pros:
    • AI-based features for predictive alerts and resource management
    • Comprehensive monitoring for both infrastructure and applications
    • Helps identify potential access clashes and resource shortages
  • Cons:
    • Full log management may come at an extra cost
    • May require some initial configuration for optimum performance

New Relic:

This innovative SaaS platform provides a comprehensive suite of monitoring packages, all bundled in the price. It offers real-time code profiling, dependency mapping, and full-stack observability, complete with AI-driven features.

  • Features:
    • Full-stack observability
    • Dependency mapping
    • Real-time code profiling
    • Network monitoring
    • Container and virtualization tracking
    • Machine learning for alerting
  • Pros:
    • Comprehensive suite of monitoring packages
    • Offers advanced features like machine learning-driven alerts
    • Suitable for businesses of all sizes with per-user pricing
  • Cons:
    • May require some time and training to fully utilize all features
    • All-inclusive features may lead to a steeper learning curve

Understanding Application Monitoring’s Purpose

Application monitoring becomes most intricate when trying to diagnose why an application has ceased functioning. Since applications sit atop the stack, they rely on a multitude of underlying services and hardware. Thus, when an application fails, the root cause may not be within the application itself but could be traced back to a different part of the IT system.

Two pivotal purposes of application monitoring stand out:

1. Proactively Addressing Performance Issues

Application performance problems rarely manifest out of the blue. They typically evolve over time, presenting warning signs before becoming pronounced. For instance, a sudden performance glitch might be the result of a gradual service problem, such as dwindling server storage space.

Root cause analysis plays a crucial role here, helping trace the origins of problems. Additionally, automated application monitoring continually observes performance degradation, acting as an early warning system.

2. Mapping System Dependencies

Applications, whether serving internal or external users, are integral services. Their performance directly impacts user satisfaction and can even have contractual implications through service level agreements (SLAs). Poor application performance not only incurs immediate financial costs but also jeopardizes the long-term reputation of your business.

The expectation for applications to remain available and functional around the clock is high. Thus, monitoring these applications becomes an obligation for businesses.

Application Monitoring Delivery Models

Centralized application monitoring is essential. Monitoring individual servers manually isn’t practical, especially when dealing with multiple instances running simultaneously. For applications accessible by external users, cloud-based application monitoring, which can access services over the internet, better simulates real-world conditions.

Two hosting options are available: on-premises and cloud-based. Both rely on network-transmitted data, making on-site and cloud-based monitoring nearly indistinguishable in terms of operation. In both cases, the system must effectively monitor hybrid environments, accommodating both on-premises and cloud-based modules.

Unveiling Application Dependency Mapping

Merely listing known applications in a monitoring tool interface doesn’t suffice for modern IT environments. The advent of autodiscovery has become essential, allowing monitoring tools to self-configure and uncover unknown applications and services.

Applications are intricate, interconnected systems. They comprise layers, linked together with underlying server resources. Each module contributes to the overall performance, necessitating a thorough understanding of these relationships. This is where application dependency mapping comes into play.

Consider a website: Beyond the visible layers, advertising content may be delivered via a content delivery network (CDN), impacting load times. Furthermore, plugins like shopping carts, databases, and web server applications create additional layers. Mapping these dependencies is vital for troubleshooting performance issues.

Embracing Microservices and Mobile Offloading

Embracing Microservices and Mobile Offloading

In the realm of mobile applications, microservices play a pivotal role. These serverless systems are often composed of various components—some developed in-house, others by third-party providers. Microservices simplify development with standardized functionalities, but each function—triggered by user actions—must be traced, mapped, and monitored.

Distributed tracing and code profiling enter the picture here. Code profiling involves scanning through code as it passes from a web server to a browser, facilitating the identification of performance bottlenecks. Telemetry systems and distributed tracing assist in monitoring third-party microservices, providing insights into their behavior and impact.

Exploring Distributed Tracing and Code Profiling

Monitoring third-party microservices presents challenges, as many don’t generate log messages that can be captured by monitoring tools. Code profiling and distributed tracing emerge as solutions. Code profiling scans code as it runs, identifying performance issues. Telemetry systems output progress reports, picked up by distributed tracing services, enabling monitoring of third-party microservices.

These tools, in conjunction with application dependency mapping, illuminate the intricate web of dependencies, supporting the efficient monitoring of applications. Combined, they provide a comprehensive view of your applications’ performance landscape.

The Power of Application Performance Monitoring Systems

Automated application monitoring is the cornerstone of effective monitoring strategies. Given the complexity and volume of application modules, manual observation is impractical. An automated tool ensures consistent, real-time performance tracking.

An ideal system should offer full-stack observability, including infrastructure monitoring, application dependency mapping, distributed tracing, and code profiling. With the ability to automate performance expectation thresholds and generate alerts, it transforms monitoring into a proactive endeavor.


Application monitoring isn’t merely a technical chore; it’s a business imperative. The ability to ensure seamless performance, identify system dependencies, and proactively address issues directly influences user satisfaction, revenue streams, and business reputation. By embracing cutting-edge monitoring systems and techniques, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of modern IT with confidence.

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