Phishing emails are very challenging to detect as they are craftier and are designed very well. Typically phishing emails imitate large businesses such as Apple, Paypal, and banks to steal your personal information. But nowadays, social media platforms are also a trending target.
Intruders use that personal information and become successful in making a gigantic profit. But don’t get fretted; there are protective measures that eliminate you from becoming the victim. Exploring the entire article gives you the best tips to avoid Phishing.
PhishLabs pinpointed that phishing attempts have been increased by 47% from 2020 to 2021. And unfortunately, major scams were related to the content of the Pandemic of Covid-19.
What is phishing?
Phishing is a technique used to steal confidential information from individuals by actings as an email or websites from reputed sources and organizations. Pirates used phishing links and emails to hack Facebook passwords, bank details, credit card information, and so on.
They are not just only running for passwords; they want more. They want money. As per the report of ZDNet, more than 3 billion spam emails are sent every day. People get trapped in such kinds of frauds every time. Read this blog if you want not to count yourselves among them.
Best ways to avoid phishing
1. Keep Updated about Phishing techniques:
The best protection against Phishing is to educate yourself. Pyrates often update their technique. If you don’t know those techniques, then how can you protect yourself. That’s the reason you need to be on top of them. And for that, read the news related to phishing spam.
2. Don’t click any suspicious link
It is better not to go through any suspicious link, not even to check what it is. Instead, just over the link and see if that is your designated link or not. Because these links will lead you to the fake site that may ask for a bank detail, security pin, and your information will be hacked in a second. Though it claimed to be from a legitimate company, they are not.
You have to develop the habit of clicking the link from trusted sources. And especially delete the link that looks suspicious without opening it.
3. Install the free anti-phishing toolbar
Almost every popular browser allows you to download the anti-phishing toolbar. It will alert you from the known phishing sites whenever it detects.
Since it is absolutely free, not installing them is a stupid way.
4. Don’t share personal information on untrusted sites
Check the URL of the websites before sharing confidential data. Check whether the site’s URL starts with “https” and closed padlock icon near the URL. If not, then don’t share your info.
Though the sites without security certificates are not willful for phishing scams, it’s better not to share and download anything from them.
Never click those websites which claim to offer products at low cost without verifying it. Because there may be a chance that those sites may hack your credit card details if you purchase some items.
Be choosy and wary while sharing personal financial data.
5. Keep your browser up-to-date
You should update your operating system and browser software. Security updates released by popular browsers eliminate the security problem. It’s always the better version than before. They mostly keep you updated with cyberattack methods.
You may get annoyed by receiving notifications for security updates. Don’t get frustrated and miss any updates. It’s just a minute of work. Then you will be safe from security problems.
6. Change your passwords regularl
Though you may find it unimportant to change your password. But it is very much needed. And it is better to have a look at your online account regularly, even if you don’t need to open your account. Otherwise, intruders may get into your account without you knowing.
To prevent yourself from becoming a victim of credit card phishing and bank phishing, you have to check your statements regularly. It’s important to ensure that no fraudulent activities have been made.
7. Be heedful of Pop-Ups
Not just only irritating and annoying, these pop-ups might be phishing attempts. Fortunately, popular browsers permit you to download and install pop-ups blockers software. Though the ads blockers block almost all malicious pop-ups, some may manage to get into them. In such a case, use the small “X” of the window to close it instead of clicking the button cancel. Because such a button may lead you to phishing sites.
8. Use firewalls and Antivirus software
Firewalls act as a protective shield between you, your device, and the intruder. Its compulsion to use desktop and network firewalls to be secure from phishing spams. When both hardware and software are used together, they ultimately minimize the chance of pirates and hackers intruding on your network and device.
Antivirus software will scan every file downloaded from the internet, which will aid you in protecting your device from damage.
9. Use spam filter
Though using a spam filter is a fool-proof plan to avoid Phishing, it helps to minimize the chance. By email filtering, those spam messages or mail will not pop up on your regular mailbox, which reduces the chance of clicking it.
Wrapping Up
Not everything on the internet is safe. You have to stay alert in your every activity. However, living in fear about the risk of phishing is not possible. You can use the aforementioned best tips to avoid phishing. If you have received more spam emails this year then definitely this article is for you
If you fell into the trap and became the victim of a phishing attack, then instantly contact your financial institute, inform your bank and monitor your financial activity. More importantly, report the spam emails to the Federal Trade Commission by going through
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