Business Blog Write For Us | Submit Your Guest Post

Illustration of four people interacting with an oversized computer screen. One person stands on a ladder inspecting content with a magnifying glass, another sits on top reading, a third person stands on the right holding papers, and a fourth with a giant pencil.

Business Blog Write For Us – Digital Treed is offering an opportunity to submit a guest post. We are looking for passionate content writers and guest bloggers to write for us following niche Finance, Business, Tech News, Social media Marketing, Online Marketing, Digital Marketing, Hardware, Apps / Reviews, SEO, Marketing, Business Blogging, Startup and Entrepreneurship.

Do you have expertise on a topic that you’d love to share with our audience? These are a great way to share your experience and advice with others so that they can start, grow business, and their financial situations.

Benefits of Business Guest Post

Here are some of the biggest benefits people get from Business Guest Post:

  • Build a profile as an industry expert/thought leader
  • Grow your personal brand
  • Grow an audience (social followers, subscribers etc.)
  • Improve SEO performance
  • Build authoritative backlinks
  • Build relationships and drive new partnerships e.g. co-marketing partnerships, job offers
  • Drive referral traffic
  • Improve a company’s brand awareness
  • Get more leads, users and even customers

Write for Us and Submit Your Guest Post on our Business Blog

Here are the guest post guidelines:

  • Articles must be well written, grammatically correct and well researched.
  • At least 1000 words of content
  • 2 relevant royalty free images.
  • 100% unique content. We check every article in Copyscape
  • Citations of any research you have made
  • When you write the guest post, keep the reader in mind. Provide as much factual stats as possible.

If you can meet the above guidelines, send us your pitch at and we will get in touch with you.

Topics that are accepted on this blog

  • Finance/accounting
  • SEO (search engine optimization
  • Startups
  • HR/people management
  • Time management
  • Business development strategy
  • Solopreneurs
  • Women in Business
  • Startups
  • Technology in Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • Funding, Business Loans, and Grants
  • B2B
  • Marketing Plans
  • Law
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media

How to Find Business Guest Posting Sites on Search Engine?

To find business guest posting sites on Search Engine, you can use Google’s advanced search operators like: 

“business” + “become a contributor”

“business” + “submit guest post”

“guest post” + “business”

“write for us” + “business”

“submit guest post” + “business”

“business” + “guest post guidelines”

List of Business Blog that Accept Guest Posts in 2022

Here is the list of 10 business guest posting high authority sites including categories like business, tech and marketing blogs.

1) Forbes

Submit story pitches to

Topics: Business, Investing, Technology

2) Business Insider

How to Submit: Email

Topics: Business, Media, Technology

3) Survey Monkey Blog

Posting Guidelines: The Survey Money Blog only accepts original guest posts. Guest Post Submissions need to have a word count of between 400 to 2000 words. Survey Money Blog welcomes the use of SEO Keywords or backlinks, but they need to be kept to a minimum and be relevant to the topic you are writing about. 

Topics: Market Research, Public Opinion, Small Business

4) Entrepreneur

Topics: Business, Entrepreneurship

5) Harvard Business Review

How to Submit: Email

Topics: Business Managment, Innovation, Leadership

6) Fast Company

How to Submit:Email

Topics: Business, Technology, Innovation

7) Hubspot

How to Submit: Email

Topics: Marketing, Sales

Notes: There are two Separate blogs, one for sales and one for marketing

8) VentureBeat

Posting Guidelines: Guest Posts must include a headline and have a word count of around 800 words, getting straight to the point and avoiding long introductions. Images that illustrate your point are welcome, however, you must own the rights to those images. Do not submit your piece as a PDF, Google Docs is a preferred format. 

Topics: Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship

9) Seeking Alpha

How to Submit: Become a Contributor

Topics: Markets, Investment

10) Kissmetrics

Posting Guidelines: Kissmetrics prohibits mentioning or providing any links to your business in the body of the guest post. Kissmetrics does allow you to include a link to your website in the author’s bio. 

Topics: Customer Service, Marketing, Analytics


In conclusion, our compilation of business guest posting sites is now complete. Each of the mentioned sites boasts a DA of 50+ and attracts quality traffic. Feel confident utilizing these platforms, as they offer a reliable source for acquiring high-quality links to enhance your site’s visibility.

Eram Naim, with 4 years of experience in content marketing and 2 years in digital marketing, currently serves as the Co-Founder and COO of In addition to his role as COO, he also functions as the Sales & Marketing Manager and Editor, showcasing his versatility and expertise across multiple domains within the company.