Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker:You must Know


Dr. Vivek Bindra is the Most Recognized Motivational Speaker, Leadership Consultant and Business Coach.Dr. Vivek Bindra’s YouTube channel is World’s No. 1 Most Subscribed YouTube Channel in terms of Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development with more than 13 million + subscribers globally & more than 700 million viewership with 1 million unique visitors every day which is growing by 15-20K per day.

Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker is the Founder & CEO of Most Progressive Organization – Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. that aims to Empower Indian Entrepreneur to transform their Small Businesses into Big Businesses.

With an aim to disrupt the Indian Education System, Bada Business has launched World’s Most Affordable, Accessible and Available course on “Everything About Entrepreneurship” in Hindi to cater to the needs of Indian Entrepreneurs.

Further Bada Business has launched Problem Solving Courses in Hindi that aims to solve the Burning Problems of Entrepreneurs specific to their domain ( Finance, Lead Generation, ERP, Digital Marketing, How to start a Startup etc.)

Through a robust team of 350 full time employees in head office at Delhi, 150 Channel Partners and 500 Independent Business Consultants spread across the length and breadth of the country. Bada Business is on It’s Mission To Bring Disruption in Education while empowering and building entrepreneurs in India.


  • Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker is the Owner of World’s Most Subscribed Entrepreneurship YouTube Channel.
  • With 10.1 Million Active Subscribers on YouTube,Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker is one of the World’s Greatest Influencers.
  • Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker Known for Creating a Free Learning University on YouTube.

Business Coach

  • An Acclaimed Executive Coach for over Top 100 CEO’s in India.
  • Trusted Advisor for Over 500 Corporate Houses.
  • Inspired Millions of People across the Globe by Training in more than 25 Countries.

Awards & Honours

  • Bestowed with the Honorary Title of ‘Think Tank of Corporate Asia’ by World Leadership Federation, Dubai.
  • Awarded the Best Leadership Trainer in Asia title by Marshall Goldsmith at the World HRD Congress.
  • Awarded with India’s Greatest Brands and Leaders – Pride of the Nation Award in a ceremonial function hosted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
  • Awarded the Best CEO Coach in India by Times of India – Speaking Tree.
  • Awarded the Best Corporate Trainer in India by Maruti Suzuki for Two Consecutive Years.
  • Holds a place in the Esteemed Golden Book of Records for Training the Largest Gathering of HR Professionals under one Roof on – Can HR Become a CEO?

Below are the top success principles you can learn from Dr. Vivek Bindra Motivational Speaker.

1. Always Spend Time with People Who Are More Successful Than You

Besides getting rid of negative people, you must do the opposite to join and spend time with people who are more successful than you do. Birds of the same feather will flock together. And if you want to be successful, you must join other successful people. Or better yet, join people who are doing even better than you in life.

When you mix around with people who are more successful than you do, you will be able to learn from them and challenge yourself to reach a greater height. Most people feel comfortable with their network of friends because they spend most of their time with people who are not producing any greater result than them.

The moment you know that there is something better out there, your innate nature to want to compete and to be the best will kick start your desire. You will want to improve and become even better than you are right now. This is why it is important to spend time and network with other people who are more successful.

2. Think Like You Are The Leader Of Your Own Corporation

Dr. Bindra says that if you want to be successful, you must use lesser of the word “we” and use more of the word “I”. What he means is that when you keep using the word “we” instead of “I”, you are leaving the power and depending on others. When it comes to getting a job done, rather than doing it yourself, you will depend on others to complete it as you are acting from the “we” mindset.

This also means that you must think like you are the leader of your own corporation. Brian Tracy, the motivational speaker Dr. Vivek Bindra, and sales expert says that you must see yourself as an independent contractor selling your services back to your company at an hourly rate. You must see your current employer as your best client. And see yourself as the leader in your company even if you are just an employee.

When you think it this way, you will operate from a different mindset and make decisions wisely. When you see yourself as the leader, you will eventually be proactive and want to make the best of your business and company, even though you may not be the boss.

3. Leaders Are Great Learners

All the great leaders are great learners. According to Dr. Vivek Bindra, leaders are people who are constantly learning and are never afraid to make mistakes. Every master was once a beginner. How do you think Michael Jordan became a mega success in basketball? Obviously, he was not born a champion. Michael was an average basketball player and was rejected by his high school team. However, he refused to give up and continue to practice harder than most people. And the rest was history.

So how did Michael Jordan become the best? The answer is pretty simple; he learned and practiced every single day. The same goes for you. If you want to be the best in what you do, regardless of whether you want to be the best baker in town, or the best salesman in your company, or the best hairstylist in the country, you need to commit to constant and never-ending improvement.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are famously known as the richest men in the world. They both shared a very similar habit, and that is reading. According to Buffett, he spends most of his every day reading. In an interview, Buffett says that he reads about 6 newspapers in the morning. The same goes for Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft. Gates says that he reads about 50 books a year, which is equivalent to reading a book almost every week.

4. Constantly Think About “How to Do It” Until You Get the Answer

One of the great advises shared by Dr. Vivek Bindra is that you must constantly think about your dreams and how you can achieve it. Unless you have a solid answer, keep your mind focus on your goals and consistently find ways and think how you can do it.

Many people are not living their dreams because they constantly think about the challenges, the problems, the setback, and the difficulties they are going to face when they take action. They worry about the traffic jam, the rain, the rejections from their clients, and all sorts of negative thoughts rather than focusing on the positive side.

Successful people, on the other hand, always focus on the solution rather than the problem. They think about how they can make their products better, focus on building their business to a higher level, how to tap into their market more effectively, and how they can deliver more value to their clients. This is how you must think if you want to be successful in life.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” When you think and focus on the problems and on other people, your thinking will limit your actions. Therefore, change your thinking and focus on how you can do things and accomplish your goals more effectively. Remember, your thoughts will shape your life.

5. Never Let Mistakes Stop You from Achieving Your Goals

Dr. Vivek Bindra says that you must not allow mistakes to stop you from moving forward, and he is absolutely right. Successful people are not afraid of making mistakes. In fact, they do not look at mistakes as mistakes. Highly successful people treat mistakes as their stepping stones to success. They look at mistakes as feedback for them to improve and get better.

And this is how you must act too. Once, there was a reporter asked Thomas Edison about his failure and crazy invention, and Edison told the reporter, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

You must not be afraid to take action and make mistakes. This is because you will never produce the result you want without action. And taking action means you are going to fail. The more you fail, the more likely you are going to succeed. When you read the biography of successful people, you will notice that they are not afraid to make mistakes. And their mistakes are what made them who they are today.

Perhaps, Tony Robbins says it right, “Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.”

It is when you make mistakes you learn the most. Success can be a lousy teacher because it seduces people into thinking that they cannot fail. Mistakes can make you wiser and grow your experience. So do not be afraid to make mistakes.

Read also:Vivek Bindra IBC | Independent Business Consultant

Eram Naim, with 4 years of experience in content marketing and 2 years in digital marketing, currently serves as the Co-Founder and COO of Digitaltreed.com. In addition to his role as COO, he also functions as the Sales & Marketing Manager and Editor, showcasing his versatility and expertise across multiple domains within the company.