Successful Amazon Affiliate Websites

An illustration features web browser windows with star ratings, dollar symbols, and the Amazon logo. Stacks of coins are shown at the bottom left. The text reads "Amazon Affiliate Websites" on the right side against a blue background.

What is an Amazon Affiliate Website?

An Amazon Affiliate Websites is any website that earns money by linking products from their website to the Amazon store. This can be a blog or website that references a product with a link back to Amazon, so customers can purchase that particular item.

The idea is that you are referring customers to Amazon where you gain a commission if a user buys from the Amazon store. This is usually 5%-10% per purchase. Amazon tracks this by a special code from the URL link on your website. 

Amazon Affiliate Websites


Homegrounds is a site that teaches “home baristas” how to brew and enjoy better quality coffee.

Why they’re doing so well

I reached out to the site’s founder, Alex Azoury, to find out.

Here’s what he said:

Firstly, we commit to publishing content that is better than our competitors. This is because the coffee brewing market are switched on, and they definitely appreciate content that actually solves their problem, rather than content built to simply target a keyword.

Secondly, we reverse engineer our competitors via  to uncover content and backlink opportunities that are working for them. If it works for them, it will most likely work for us.


Many people want to build their own PC, but the process isn’t that straightforward—particularly for newbies.

This is where PCPartPicker excels.

Choose the parts you want for your PC, and PCPartPicker will provide compatibility guidance and up-to-date pricing. They also publish “build guides” for those who are unsure how to start building one.

Why they’re doing so well

PCPartPicker is interesting because it deviates from the traditional affiliate model of targeting “best [x]” keywords.

Instead, it’s a tool.

Knowing which components to buy is a big problem in the “build your own PC” world. PCPartPicker solves this by letting you shop for the latest PC parts based on performance and budget. It then automatically cross-references them to check for compatibility.

Territory Supply

Territory Supply helps people find hiking, camping, backpacking, and travel adventures in the US, while also showcasing the best outdoor gear they should use.

Why they’re doing so well

The first thing you’ll notice when you visit Territory Supply is how much it looks like an online magazine, rather than a typical affiliate site.

And indeed, they do run their site like a magazine. As an affiliate site, they have articles targeting “best x” keywords. But they also cover plenty of other topics that don’t link to any products.

They’re also committed to linking to the best products, even if they can’t make money from their recommendations.

For example, their post on “DIY teardrop camper kits” generates an estimated 1,800 search visits per month, but has only one link to an affiliate product.

The Wirecutter

Founded in 2011 by Brian Lam, a former Editorial Director at Gizmodo, The Wirecutter has grown into perhaps the most famous and well-known Amazon affiliate site on the planet.

Frustrated with the never-ending chase for pageviews in traditional media companies, Brian quit Gizmodo and started The Wirecutter as a small review site focused on gadgets.

It was acquired by the New York Times in 2016 for $30 million.

The Prepared

Founded by John Ramey and John Adama—former advisors at the Obama White House—The Prepared is a survivalism website that publishes practical guides on preparing for emergencies ranging from potential car accidents to war.

Why they’re doing so well

For starters, the doomsday prepper market is huge. According to, an estimated 160+ million Americans have either recently purchased survival gear or are already in possession of some.

Of course, The Prepared is not the only website focused on survivalism. There are tons of websites in this niche.

The success of this particular site falls largely down to its owners’ focus on creating content about evergreen topics.

Evergreen topics are those with consistent interest and search volume over time. For example, we can see that The Prepared targets keywords like “best tarp.”

Read also:Amazon Affiliate Earnings

Eram Naim, with 4 years of experience in content marketing and 2 years in digital marketing, currently serves as the Co-Founder and COO of In addition to his role as COO, he also functions as the Sales & Marketing Manager and Editor, showcasing his versatility and expertise across multiple domains within the company.