An asynchronous call in JavaScript can return a response in multiple ways. First, let’s understand the problem. Let’s say you have a ...

Use the delete keyword to remove a property or attribute from an object. This is semantically correct. The object const car = ...

Answer: Use the JavaScript window.location Property The JavaScript window.location  can be used. You don’t need jQuery to create a page redirect. The syntax window can ...

The directive “use strict” refers to a literal expression. JavaScript 1.8.5 introduced it. It is named “use strict” because it indicates that ...

Answer: Use the export and import Statemen ECMAScript 6 or ES6 allows you to use the JavaScript  export / import  statement to import or ...

I recently began maintaining the JavaScript code of another person. I am fixing bugs, adding features, and trying to make ...

Answer: Use the indexOf() Method The indexOf() method is the simplest and most efficient way to determine whether a string has sub-strings in ...

If you’ve ever written a Function JavaScript allows you to already make use of Closings. This is an important topic that ...

Answer: Use the jQuery :visible Selector To check if an element is  :visible  or not, you can use the jQuery:visible selector. This selector ...

Answer: Use the splice() Method You can use the splice() method to remove the item from an array at a specific index in JavaScript. ...