Social media has given freedom of speech and expression to all the users of the world. If you feel like contributing to a discussion, all you have to do is “write a comment” to be a part of it. Sharing is caring, whether it be your insight, opinion, idea, or suggestion. It’s just that we have to be vocal about certain happenings of the world by writing about it, this is how powerful the media has become. Let’s say that some people are witnessing animal abuse in any part of a county, they can share about it on social media and make other people sign a petition by writing their signs on paper. Isn’t it amazing? Every word that you write has power now and it can definitely make a big change.
Freedom of Commenting:
When it comes to exchanging ideas we all are pretty much liberated with our words and suggestions. When there’s a beautiful video on kittens with so many likes, views, and comments on Instagram you may wish to add something from your side by posting a nice comment. It makes you feel a part of it. However, sometimes you write a comment that does not sit well with people around you. Let’s say there was an in-depth discussion going among tons of people regarding a particular religion, now you may post something from your perspective and people are going to oppose you. I must say that people are pretty much divided in their options and insight about all the religions of the world. Your few words can stir a lot of heat and instigate people to write offensive replies in response to your comment.
There might be one too many reasons for you to want to delete a comment that you have posted on someone’s post, video, or image on Instagram. Some possible reasons are listed below and these are valid ones too.
- You read a post that didn’t sit well with your idea or notion, out of anger you have posted a comment that will hurt the feelings of the masses and many other people of certain groups.
- You want to delete a comment because there are too many typos and grammatical mistakes. We tend to make such mistakes when we keep our auto-correct turned off in the keyboard setting because we love to type manually. It is all fine if you have typed a long comment full of errors, but you can always edit it. Or you can delete it from Instagram and create a new one by making necessary amendments.
- You came across a post that was on a mature subject about religion, animal abuse, pastors, history, animal abuse, and current happenings of the world. It’s a norm for people to post about grave events and happenings of the world on their accounts, it is done just to exchange an idea about a resolution that could have been sought for. You might have posted something after reading the text but now you regret writing a comment because it was just a reflex action. You reacted instantly and felt raged by the content and now you regret writing all those things that were better unsaid and unshared.
How to delete a comment on Instagram?
Whatever the reason is for your wanting to delete a comment on Instagram, you can follow these steps to make it happen. If you just intend to correct some typos, all you can do is edit the comment. It will take very little time than it usually takes in writing a new comment from scratch. If you have posted an offensive comment in anger, you can even hide it on Instagram instead of deleting it.
Also note that you can always edit, hide and delete the comments that you have posted either on your own posts or on the posts of someone else. But, you can never do the same if someone posted a comment on your page or someone’s page. In order to delete someone’s comment (if offensive), you can write them directly or report them to Instagram. No hate speech should be tolerated at any level, so if you have come across any comment that will hurt the feelings of many people, you can request the particular user to remove it, if you see no changes were made, report it to Instagram and the comment will be automatically removed.
Here are a few steps that will help you in deleting your comment on Instagram:
- Go to the post, image, or video on which you have posted a comment.
- Find your comment and click on the three dots icon.
- Click on the dots and an option with “Manage comments” will appear.
- Tap on the comment and select the ‘delete’ button (located at the bottom).
- Choose the delete comment option.
- You will see a “trash can icon” icon on the display, just click on it and your comment will be deleted immediately.
You can use the same option for editing your comment as well, especially if there are only a few typical mistakes that need to be rectified.
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