The influence of the software application in teaching the double integral, as students find it difficult to judge the change in three-dimensional objects. For this purpose the 3D objects for their understanding. In calculus, the double integral is one of the most difficult concepts for students to learn, for this purpose students can use the double integral calculator to find the solution of a triple variable. Students do confuse when we represent a three-dimensional shape on a two-dimensional paper. Most of the students do understand the concept of the double integral better when they visualize the actual concept of the object like a cube which is a three-dimensional shape. The double integral calculator can be a great help for the students to find the solution of the integration.
In this article, we are discussing the visual representation of the double integral and the different software for explaining the concept to the students.
What is double integral:
In calculus, the double integral is used to evaluate the area of the region bounded by the curve of a function. We have to calculate the volume and the surface area of the region by using the double integral. Initially, students find the concept difficult to understand, for this purpose you can use the double integral solver to find the solution of the integration. The double integral is used to find the average values of two functions over a rectangular region.
Why we need the visual representation of the concept:
The computer graphics are used to represent the double integral and graphics are used to clear the concept to the students. Research has shown students using computer-aided technology to understand the concept of the double integral in solving the question better than the students, are not using any graphical representation.
The three-dimensional objects:
You find it difficult to understand the three-dimensional change, but with the help of computer-aided software, you can understand the change more abruptly. You can use the double integrals calculator to find the solution of the double integral. Sometimes students do need the answer to the integration as they have to implement the values to the question, as integration is just a part of the question. In calculus, students do find it difficult to understand the concept of the double integral, so visual representation can be a great source in understanding the concept.
The graphical representation and students aid:
You would not be able to understand the three-dimensional change of the integral, but with the graphical representation of the computer-aided technologies, the whole concept would become a little easier to understand for the students. Sometimes students would not be able to understand the application of the integration in real life. It is a big task to understand the three-dimensional change in calculus. The computer aside technologies and the double integral calculator can be a great aid for the students to clarify the whole concept of the integration.
The students of advanced calculus:
Students who have studied the advanced calculus courses have to deal with the solid in the three-dimension world, and finding the change in three-dimension can be a tricky thing for them. It is difficult to understand the concept of the pyramid by using two-dimension paper, when they have to calculate the surface area or the volume, you can’t even understand the, where and how to draw the shape, but computer-aided technologies make the concept a lot more explanatory for the students to understand the whole concept.
For students, computer-aided technology and tools like double integral calculator are great to help in solving and understanding the difficult concepts of mathematics. They can now boost their understanding of the concepts like double integral, Prism, and Pyramid with the aid of three-dimensional representation of the concepts.
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