6 Surefire Tips to Create a Killer Digital Marketing Strategy Without the Hassle

6 Surefire Tips to Create a Killer Digital Marketing Strategy Without the Hassle

Online marketing, aka digital marketing, encompasses myriad marketing efforts over the internet to boost a business’s online visibility among search engines. Marketers use digital channels like social media, search engines, websites, software tools, and email to connect with prospective and current customers. Primarily it includes communicating via multimedia texts.

This post by SPopli, an eCommerce Web Design Company in India, talks about six surefire ways to create a killer marketing strategy for your business.


What Does a Digital Marketer Do?

These experts are responsible for lead generation and increasing brand awareness with both paid and free digital marketing channels available at their disposal. The resources typically include the company’s website, social media pages, email, blog, display advertising, and SERPs (search engine rankings).

Digital marketers use different KPIs (key performance indicators) for other channels to keep track of and monitor the ongoing marketing performance. Someone in charge of search engine optimization would, for example, measure the ‘organic traffic’ of the website. In smaller companies, only one person may handle this job, while in bigger ones, there may be a team of specialists in charge of different digital channels and areas.


Those specialists include:

  • Content Marketing Expert 
  • SEO manager
  • Marketing Automation Coordinators
  • Social Media Managers 


Tips for Crafting a Killer Marketing Strategy

Write Down Your Short and long-term Goals.

It’s good to be enthusiastic about your business. However, it’s never a good idea to dive into things head-first without having a blueprint of your strategy. Instead, you must take the time to understand everything about your business. Think about what makes you special and what key aspects you can sell to attract customers. After that, write down your short and long-term goals to stay on the right track.

Speaking of goals, think about what you want to achieve. Write it down in actual, concrete words in a measurable way. Do you want to double your followers in the next three months? Do you want to quadruple the sales of a certain product by the end of the year? How much organic traffic do you wish to see?

For long-term plans, it’s good to think about the bigger picture. For instance, do you wish to generate more leads by creating a custom app? Once you write it down like that, it’s easier to develop strategies around those goals.



Allocate a Budget for Each Marketing Channel

There comes a time when the ROI on your efforts is simply never enough for the kind of money that you’re spending on each action. Spending a ton of money may trick you into thinking you have a broader outreach. 

But, instead of focusing on having a huge budget; think about HOW you are reaching the right audiences. Being strategic is more important than having a big budget. Using the proper channels, you can have a much bigger impact. 

By analyzing and studying reports like Google Analytics; you can know where your money is hitting the hardest and having the best impact. You’ll also learn the areas where spending a ton doesn’t make much sense.

Strike a Balance Between Free vs. Paid Platforms 

It’s never a good idea to rely only on paid advertising as you’ll burn through your funds quickly. It’s also not suitable to be too frugal and rely only on free advertising. It is maintaining that balance and hitting it that ‘sweet sp is critical.

Speaking of which, let’s take a look at some of the most popular free and paid online marketing and advertising tools.


The free ones –

  • SEO or Search Engine Optimization
  • Facebook Pages
  • Content Marketing
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Video Marketing via YouTube


The Paid Ones –

  • Paid Searches – Nearly 90% of Google’s income comes from advertising. Therefore, paid search is verly popular method for driving qualified customers to your website.
  • Display Ads
  • Social Ads
  • Retargeting
  • Video Promotion
  • Paid Content Discovery


Remember, the first ad you will run will likely have a negative Return on Investment. You are highly likely to lose money on that one. But, it’s okay. Some ads will always underperform. It might take some time (weeks or even a month) before you can reach that breakeven stage. For someone new in the ads game, breaking even is always the first goal.

Optimise Your Digital Assets for Mobile

We all know that sites optimised for mobile screens always perform better among SERPs. In order to be qualified ‘mobile-optimized,’ your site must have –

  • Text which is easily readable on a mobile screen with the need to zoom in
  • Has appropriately spaced targets
  • Has no horizontal scrolling
  • And, has no unplayable content

You can use this Mobile-Friendly Test to check if your site qualifies or not.


While building your site for mobile; keep these things in mind –

  • The load time
  • A secure payment gateway
  • Minimal downloads
  • Test it on multiple devices and browsers to ensure a seamless working
  • Make sure the content loads in a logical order

Users today spend the most time on smartphones going through apps. So, when it comes to putting together or updating an app, remember these things – 

  • Always work around ensuring a smooth user experience
  • Integrate with other applications. Personalize it for engagement. Make sure your apps can integrate with other popular ones.
  • Enable smart notifications
  • Use a material design and a coherent visual language. Check out Google’s material design guidelines for more information. 



Use Remarketing/Retargeting

Analytics reports let you see actual, tangible data about your ideal visitors, the channels they are coming from, and the most browsed pages on the website.

By analysing these major hotspots, you can see if a potential customer visited you, clicked a CTA, and still went away; that’s where remarketing comes in. Think of it as a gentle reminder to your visitors who were about to finalize a sale but didn’t.

Remarketing is a highly effective tool for driving sales up and improving revenue. You could also use cart abandonment emails to send a reminder about a pending purchase and the item in their cart. Most people just need a bit of nudging and they WILL buy from you.


Keep Monitoring the Competition 

Studying your competitors is a highly underutilised technique. When you know your competitors, you also know your target audiences. What tickles their fantasies and what gets them going! All you have to do is replicate your competitor’s strategy with your twist.

During this phase, it pays to look at their website layout, blog, applications, social media presence, possible keywords they’re targeting, and the tone of promotional content they’re putting out. Analyze how they interact with customers. By studying your competition, you can execute a better strategy than them.


Final Thoughts

Creating a killer marketing campaign doesn’t have to be a difficult or painful process. As long as you play our cards right, no one can deny you success in the realm of online marketing and promotion.

Aijaz Alam is a highly experienced digital marketing professional with over 10 years in the field.He is recognized as an author, trainer, and consultant, bringing a wealth of expertise to his work. Throughout his career, Aijaz has worked with companies such as Arena Animation and Sportsmatik.com.He previously operated a successful digital marketing website, Whatadigital.com, where he served an impressive roster of Fortune 250 companies. Currently, Aijaz is the proud founder and CEO of Digitaltreed.com.