Microsoft Outlook is used by numerous people across the globe. It is a phenomenally popular email client and boasts of several smart features. It is not limited to being just a simple email client. It has remarkable features like task manager, calendar, note-taking, contact manager, web browsing, and journal. It is capable of creating Outlook data files called Personal Storage Table files or PST files. PST files are best for storing the entire mailbox content. It includes attachments along with emails, calendars, contacts, and more. However, Microsoft Outlook is not without flaws. It has one major flaw. Its PST file is susceptible to corruption and many severe issues.
Often the chief reason behind Outlook corruption is the PST file size. Large PST files are far more vulnerable to damage. In this highly digitalized era, everybody should attempt to be tech-savvy. You may try fixing PST files on your own after doing some research and seeking help from experts to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. Some people believe that corruption is bound to happen and is an inevitable event. They think that they cannot do anything to prevent Outlook corruption. However, the fact remains that you can prevent PST file corruption. Here are a few corrective measures for preventing Outlook corruption.
Stop Your PST File from Growing Oversized
As a Personal Storage Table file is vulnerable because of its size limitation concerns, you should make it a point to curb the size of your PST file. If the user has the older edition of Outlook, such as, Outlook 2002, your PST file should be limited to less than 1.5 GB. If the user has Outlook 2010 or 2007 edition, it is best to restrict the file size to fewer than 10 GB. If you have the latest versions of 2016 or 2013, please make sure you are having adequate storage space. For managing Outlook mailbox sizes, you may successfully compact PST Files and eliminate duplicate items from your Outlook data file.
Try Not to Save PST File on a Server
Outlook OST File may be saved only on your local computer system. The network environment will not facilitate dense or easy access to Outlook PST files. Avoid saving the PST files on a remote drive or network or server. That is because it may result in frequent corruption in your PST files. If multiple users access PST files simultaneously via the network, it may result in severe file corruption. Try your best to avoid this situation.
Do Not Process a Large Volume of Emails at One Go
You may process as many as 10,000 emails simultaneously but do not stretch beyond that limit. Microsoft Outlook will possibly be on lockdown if you try processing a substantial volume of emails together at once. In such circumstances, you may consider closing Outlook abnormally. It may lead to PST file damage or corruption.
Remember to Shut Down Outlook Properly
Make it a point to shut down Outlook properly otherwise, you may experience severe issues. If you force shut your Outlook at the drop of a hat, while your PST files are in use, your files may get damaged or corrupted.
Do Not Forget to Turn off Your Computer Properly
It is of pivotal importance to remember to turn off your computer properly. You may encounter severe issues if the computer is turned off incorrectly. Abrupt system shutdowns occur due to sudden power outages and they may culminate in severe issues. For instance, while you are working on your Microsoft Outlook, due to sudden power failure your computer abruptly shuts down, and your PST files may become corrupted. It is best to rely on the UPS system for receiving backup power.
Focus On Using Antivirus Programs Properly
According to Forbes, as our lives are gradually shifting online, our personal information may get compromised. That is chiefly the reason why it is critical to install one of the best antivirus software on your device. However, sometimes, a wrong choice of an antivirus program may adversely impact email message processing within the Outlook PST file. If your antivirus program is not fast, it may impede or retard the speed of the entire process of scanning your email messages. Moreover, an outdated or faulty antivirus program could cause PST file corruption. Always opt for the most suitable antivirus program and keep updating it regularly.
Stay Away From Needless Outlook Add-Ins
Stay away from Microsoft Outlook add-ins unnecessarily. Often issues in the add-ins may lead to corruption of PST files. You may consider disabling the Outlook add-ins to examine and verify if these add-ins are the root cause of the trouble.
Conclusion: Always Rely on Backups
The wisest way of tackling the issue of PST file corruption is by relying on regular backups. As a result of PST file corruption, you may face critical data loss. However, if you have a backup, you can seamlessly restore almost 100 percent of your valuable data.
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