What is cloud computing? A beginner’s guide

cloud computing guide

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services – servers, networking, software, storage, databases,  analytics, intelligence, and more – over the Internet (“the cloud”) to deliver faster creation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You normally just pay for the cloud services you operate, enabling lower operating costs, running infrastructure more efficiently, and scaling as your business needs modification.

Who is using cloud computing?

Organizations of all types, sizes, and industries are utilizing the cloud for a wide variety of use cases, such as data backup, disaster recovery, email, virtual desktops, software development and testing, big data analytics, and customer-facing web applications. For example, healthcare companies are using the cloud to develop more personalized treatments for patients. Financial services companies are using the cloud to power real-time fraud detection and prevention. Video game makers are using the cloud to deliver online games to millions of players around the world.

How does Cloud Computing work

Internet-based cloud computing provides data and shared computing resources on request to computers and other devices. It is a method that makes it possible for anybody, anywhere, to have straightforward, anytime access to flexible computer resources through the network (e.g., networks, applications, servers, storage, and services). With little administration work or service provider contact, these resources may be quickly supplied and released. Like a public utility, cloud computing relies on sharing resources to create coherence and thrifts of scale.


  • Resource pooling: Employing a multi-tenant strategy, the provider’s computer resources are connected to serve several customers. According to customer demand, different physical and virtual resources are continuously assigned and reassigned.
  • Scalability: It is one of the most important benefits of cloud computing. With on-demand resources, businesses can fast scale up or down as required without making any upfront investments.
  • Flexibility: Cloud Computing is very adaptable in payment options. With a pay-as-you-go model, businesses only pay for the resources they operate when they utilize them. This can be a fantastic way to save on costs, as companies can avoid overpaying for help they don’t demand.
  • Cost-effectiveness: You can save much money compared to traditional IT infrastructure by only paying for the resources you operate. In addition, many cloud providers present discounts for longer-term contracts, making them even more affordable.
  • On-demand self-service: Without reaching each service provider individually, a customer may automatically independently deliver critical computer resources, such as server time and network storage.
  • Wide-ranging network access: Abilities are accessible through the network and accessed via standard methods to enable usage by various thin- or thick-client platforms (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs).

Top advantages of cloud computing

Cloud computing is a big change from the traditional way businesses think about IT resources. Here are seven common causes organizations are turning to cloud computing services


  • Most cloud computing services are delivered self-service and on demand, so even vast amounts of computing resources can be provided in minutes, typically with only a few mouse clicks, giving businesses a lot of flexibility and taking the stress off capacity planning.

Global scale

  • The advantages of cloud computing services include the ability to scale elastically. In cloud speak, that suggests delivering the right amount of IT resources—for instance, more or less computing power, storage, bandwidth—right when they’re required, and from the right geographic location.


  • Onsite data centers generally require a lot of “racking and stacking”—hardware setup, software patching, and other time-consuming IT management tasks. Cloud computing removes the requirement for many of these tasks, so IT teams can spend time on acquiring more significant business goals.


  • The most significant cloud computing services run on a worldwide network of secure data centers, which are regularly upgraded to the most delinquent generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. This presents several advantages over a single corporate datacenter, including reduced network latency for applications and greater economies of scale.


  • Cloud computing makes data backup, tragedy recovery, and business continuity more manageable and less pricey because data can be mirrored at numerous redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network.


  • Many cloud providers deliver a broad set of policies, technologies, and controls that strengthen your security posture overall, helping shield your data, apps, and infrastructure from potential dangers.

3 Types of cloud computing

Not all clouds are the same, and not one type of cloud computing is right for everyone. Several different models, types, and services have evolved to help offer the right solution for your needs.

When considering cloud computing, it’s essential to determine the type of cloud deployment that your cloud services will be implemented on. There are three different ways to deploy cloud services: public, private, and hybrid.

1. Public cloud

Public clouds are owned and operated by third-party cloud service providers. These providers deliver their resources, such as servers and storage, over the internet. Microsoft Azure is an example of a public cloud. With a public cloud, all hardware, software, and other supporting infrastructure is owned and managed by the cloud provider. Users access these services and manage their accounts using a web browser.

2. Private cloud

A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources that are used exclusively by a single business or organization. A private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site data center. Some companies also pay third-party service providers to host their private cloud. A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network.

3. Hybrid cloud

Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, bound together by technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds, a hybrid cloud gives your business greater flexibility, more deployment options, and helps optimize your existing infrastructure, security, and compliance.

The Leading Public Cloud Providers: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud

The realm of public cloud computing is dominated by three major players: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Each provider offers a vast array of services and has its unique strengths.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): As the pioneer and conducting provider of cloud services, AWS delivers an expansive range of IaaS and PaaS services. From powerful computing power to refined analytics and burgeoning AI capabilities, AWS has something for every business demand.
  • Microsoft Azure: Azure delivers a wide variety of services, including solutions for AI, machine learning, and IoT. Its seamless integration with Microsoft’s software drives it a favored choice for enterprises deeply embedded in Microsoft’s ecosystem.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Understood for its high-performance computing, machine learning services, and data analytics, GCP also delivers substantial scale and load-balancing capabilities. Google Cloud is especially favored by companies looking for cutting-edge AI and data analysis solutions.


In conclusion, cloud computing is a revolutionary way for organizations to access and utilize IT resources on an as-needed basis. With pay-as-you-go pricing, businesses can eliminate the capital expenses associated with traditional data centers and servers. Cloud computing is being used for a wide variety of use cases, including data backup, disaster recovery, software development, big data analytics, and customer-facing web applications. The benefits of cloud computing include cost savings, speed, and global scale. There are several different types of cloud computing, including public, private, and hybrid cloud, each with their own unique characteristics and benefits. Organizations can choose the type of cloud deployment that best meets their specific needs and goals. By understanding the different types of cloud computing and their benefits, organizations can make an informed decision on how to best leverage the cloud to drive their business forward.

Eram Naim, with 4 years of experience in content marketing and 2 years in digital marketing, currently serves as the Co-Founder and COO of Digitaltreed.com. In addition to his role as COO, he also functions as the Sales & Marketing Manager and Editor, showcasing his versatility and expertise across multiple domains within the company.